"On September 30 [1960], Leonard Bernstein became ill
and was unable to appear with the New YorkPhilharmonic...
[The] situation was saved by the three assistant conductors of the orchestra:
left to right,
Russell Stanger, Elyakum Shapira, and Gregory Millar.
(Photo by John Ardoin.)
MUSICAL AMERICA, January, 1961, p. 21
This incident also prompted an article in TIME Magazine:
TIME Magazine, October 17, 1960_______________________________________________________________________
In the spring of 1961, Gregory Millar was hired by the Kalamazoo Symphony to be
their next Music Director and Conductor.
Read more about Millar's brilliant career with the orchestra on the main blog:
ALICE'S ARCHIVES: 50 Years of Kalamazoo Symphony Memorabilia
Click on Title Tabs: GREGORY MILLAR ~ KSO Conductor & Music Director ~ 1961-68,
and a new posting: 1962/ MILLAR/ STARLIGHT CONCERTS: Bright Idea!